November 27, 2014
Ceremony of Awarding of the Best Chess Player on the Earth Took Place in Olympic SochiNovember 21, 2014
Amendments to the Law of the Krasnodar Region “On Stimulation of Investment Activity in the Krasnodar Region” Were AdoptedNovember 20, 2014
About 500 Billion Rubles of Investments Was Invested in the Kuban Economy in the First 9 months of 2014November 11, 2014
The Krasnodar Region Ranks Fifth among the Regions of the Russian Federation By the Volume of Own RevenuesNovember 5, 2014
The Investment and Development Campaign Royal Time Group Opened the First Hotel in the Gambling Zone “Azov-City” on November 1, 2014October 29, 2014
Unique Fashion Object of the Krasnodar Region – the “Sochi Park” – Has Prepared a Surprise for the November HolidaysOctober 24, 2014
The Investment Strategy of the Krasnodar Region Defines Further Economic Growth of the Region until 2020October 13, 2014
The First Ever Grand Prix of Russia “Formula 1” Took Place in the Olympic Park at the New “Sochi Racing Track” on October 10-12, 2014October 10, 2014
Today, the First Ever Russian Stage of the Championship “Formula-1” Started at the Olympic Park, on October 10October 7, 2014
Delegation of the Krasnoarmeyskiy District Returned from Sochi with the Package of Signed Agreements