Priority industries for attracting investments
Agro-industrial complex
The largest enterprises of the industry
1) OOO SKhP Im. P.P. Lukyanenko;
2) Novomyshastovskoye OP of AO N.I. Tkachev Agrocomplex;
3) RPZ Krasnoarmeysky, branch of the FNTS RISA Federal State Budgetary Budgetary Institution;
4) AO N.I. Tkachev Agrocomplex, Cheburgolskoye company;
5) ESOS Krasnaya, branch of the FNTS RISA Federal State Budgetary Budgetary Institution;
6) OOO Novomyshastovskaya Poultry Farm;
7) OOO ZK Poltavskaya;
Share of the industry in the regional economy
Industrial sector
The largest enterprises of the industry
1) Poltava bakery products factory OSP AO N.I. Tkachev Agrocomplex;
2) TOSP Angelinsky elevator
AO N.I. Tkachev Agrocomplex;
3) OP OOO Angstrem Trading in Protichka khutor (farm);
4) TOSP AO Orekhprom;
5) OOO Yuzhfarm.
Share of the industry in the regional economy
Consumer sphere
The largest enterprises of the industry
OOO Kamavtoresurs;
OOO Logist-Agrokhim.
Share of the industry in the regional economy
Transport infrastructure
The largest enterprises of the industry
OP OOO Agro-auto.
Share of the industry in the regional economy
The largest enterprises of the industry
1) OOO Krasnoarmeyskoye DRSU;
2) OOO Marker
Share of the industry in the regional economy